The concept behind the App will be that you can show/prove to anyone that you’re member of an Order, properly invested (if so) and what rank and/or roles you perform within the Order.
Besides this, we want to add options for your Order to add events, to which one can RSVP.
Further down the line, we hope to get also approved, so we can show the Templar Nation passports as well. Enabling you to show your citizenship with Templar Nation as well.
For Orders:
We will be working on a way to allow your order to be used in the Knights Templars Passport. At minimum we would need to have the proper Order name and a authorised contact that can verify membership of a member with the order and verify the rank/roles that member has.
We’re in early stages of design of the website, database requirements and App, but if you want to reach out, please go to the contact page.
We’ll post more as soon as we have more to show! Keep an eye out.